From April 17 to Aproil 27, we organized the 3rd Bamboo Glocal Village (BGV) mission in Myanmar. We survived 26 hours bus ride from Yangon to Hakha, Chin State and continued 4 hours by van to reach Hriphi village where our main event happened. The report for this mission is available from the link below.
4月17日から27日の期間で、3回目となるBamboo Glocal Village (BGV) のプログラムをミャンマーにて開催しました。ヤンゴンから26時間バスに乗り、チン州のハッカに到着。その後、さらに4時間車で移動してたどり着いたのが、メインのイベントを開催したHriphi村でした。
Glocal Bamboo Village workshop part 1: Orientation and consultation
The first part of the Bamboo Glocal Village(GBP) in Hriphi Village consisted mainly of individual introduction from the team,explanation of the workshop, goals and objectives as well as brief special sharing from each country representative about the use of bamboo in the community. Volunteers from the community people were then asked to share their knowledge regarding the use of bamboo in the community. A representative from the Philippines gave a demonstration on how bamboo can be made into musical instruments and how they are played. Then he also demonstrated how to make simple bamboo chopsticks and how it is used. In the end, the participants were invited to experience bamboo cutting and instrument-playing.
Bamboo Glocal Village workshop part 2: Planning and Building
In the second part of the BGV workshop, participants (who came from all ages) were then divided into groups, instructions were given in the local language. All the groups chose their respective working areas and went on to conceptualize and plan their hotel/resort. Japan and Philippine members also came together to form one team with the idea that we can introduce new concepts to them. Everybody was so engrossed in what they were, that everybody willingly sacrificed lunch time so they could all at least almost finish the outputs in time for the presentation. All the “hotels/resorts” turned out nicely. Each group were then given the chance to briefly explain the features of their outputs, including the inspiration behind these models. Of course, our team also had time to explain and introduce possibilities that could potentially improve their communities.
Philippine September event! On the ropes.
The report of the Myanmar Workshop can be viewed at the link below.
This project is being implemented with the aid of the Toyota Foundation from the 2017 fiscal year.
EDAYA is also accepting the request for the work shop. The workshop about bamboo×art/design can be viewed at the link below.
EDAYA で実施しているワークショップについては、こちらのサイトからご覧いただけます。ワークショップの依頼もお受けしています。
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