In 2015, we helped a survey in Kalinga, the Philippines, about a plant called Curculigo. The leaves of the native Curculigo have long veins that allow them to propagate sound. The concept of “Sound-Producing Plants” comes in the form of the invention of the plant speaker, which was invented by Mr. Keiji Koga, a researcher in the field. (Patented)
This time, the photo from the survey is included in this year’s teacher’s guide for the science textbook (For Grade3) used nationwide in Japan, along with an introduction to the plant speakers. It was a great pleasure to be a part of the wonderful research.

The Junior Asahi simbun, 2020/06/20

「葉っぱから やさしいひびき」『朝日小学生新聞』、2020 年 6 月 20 日
