EDAYA’s bamboo artist Edgar installed his artwork at Camp John Hay for EntaCool Creative City festival in Baguio, Philippines.
EDAYAの竹工芸家のエドガーが、フィリピンのバギオが去年からユネスコの創造都市になったことを記念して、今年から始まったイベントの「EntaCool Creative City festival」でインスタレーションを発表しました。
Edgar’s bamboo installation vol.1 まずは一点目。
Edgar’s bamboo installation vol.2 <1000 chimes in the trail>
EDAYA’s bamboo artist Edgar installed eight installations along the yellow trail in the Camp John Hay, Baguio Philippines. These installations are all chimes because this trail is designed for forest bathing and sounds from bamboo chimes supposed to heal the people who track there.
Edgar’s bamboo installation vol.3
EDAYA’s bamboo artist Edgar and his friends organized the outside exhibition at Aguinaldo museum in Baguio for Cordillera Bamboo Day in September and creative crawl in November which happened during EntaCool Creative City festival. He installed 2 bamboo installations and 1 bamboo swing, and asked other Baguio based artists to exhibit their own bamboo artworks!
EDAYA is also accepting the request for the work shop. The workshop about bamboo×art/design can be viewed at the link below.
EDAYA で実施しているワークショップについては、こちらのサイトからご覧いただけます。ワークショップの依頼もお受けしています。
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